Thursday, May 25, 2006

Fahrin Ahmad ke tuh?

yesszaaaa....I saw him last nite at Uptown while having dinner with my laling. They just arrived when we are in the middle of choosing the table to sit. While making order, i saw him in front of me. Yeeaaayyyy... he is sooo cute. My laling jeling jer and making his smuck face..ekkekeke...jeles ler tuh. Fahrin with someone (girl, of course) and i can't see her face cause Fahrin is facing me. Yeaaayyy!!!Can't looked at him so much since laling is in front..uhuhuh. Ape2 pon laling is still the best...!!!!


Ummu Auni said...

cewah, jumpa fahrin ahmad tu. mesti handsome kan :D

Ms_Yat said... comment. nanti laling marah ckp org lain lg hensem dr dia:d