Tuesday, March 14, 2006

ME....the confused girl

I''m a little bit confused now when talking about my careeer. Having high expectation on what will i achive in the future and what will i become then, sometimes make me wondering what the hack i'm doing now? Is this the right way and the right path for me to achieve my goal then?

After a year looking for a new career, then start working in the new environment, less cracking head (much much less), i was called up from several cos to attend an interview wif them.

Current Job
-can come and get back anytime (no check-in and check-out like last time)
-no formal attire
-more relaxs job
-less cracking head
-the best bos i ever experienced
-give and take (especially on ideas)
-can express my opinion freely
-good salary
-no need to stay back
-near to house (2 minutes walking distance)
-no interuption from bos when i'm doing my work
-trusted 'gile-gile' by bos even dun mind to offer shares in his co

-no career development

Invited to attend an interview last week from a good company( US co ) and invited again this week to meet their Controller Manager from Singapore. Offered more than i earn from current job plus allowances :) -which i dun ever imagines i can get such high allowances plus the job that can develop my career. When i'm entering the office, i can feel the good environment, silent and friendly people and i have the feeling that i will work happily there if i accept the offer.

After 'berkira-kira' to accept the offer, my mom called yesterday informing me that i have to attend the interview wif Kerajaan Negeri Melaka which the job offered me more that the US co can offer me- almost RM 4k excluding the allowances. Gosh!! The job quite interesting but a bit 'lari' from what i'm doing now but still, the job is very interesting. Plus, if i make it in the interview, it is near to mak and ayah. I can go back almost every week. But then poor dear, jauh laa plak.

For now, i just want to wait for the result of the interview and consider it later.Just need to finish up my business proposal today .....


aida said...

atie, cuba jelah kan interview tu... kalau dapat baru consider nak terima ke tak

me01my said...

uwaaa kak atie..byk nye offer..give me one laa dear..i need a new job too..:((..rezeki?..all the best ekk akak

Ms_Yat said...

uhuhu..nih yg tgh pening nih