I went home on Friday eve after worked at Melaka campus, means that away for a 3 days from him. It's quite berat hati to leave him alone here, but therefore I need a time for my family also laa kan.The nite before, we spent time together, having dinner at our fav place ( and terkantoi dengan abg Joe and his wife...malunyerrr) and borak2 for a few hours before he sent me home.
The first few hours away from him agak ok jugak, but then i'm started to miss him a lot. Sent a lot of sms (although i knew my dearest so lazy to sms), and called him in the middle of the night. Camnih ker rasa org berchenta ek??Never felt like tis before...hurmm
It's so tiring spent a day at home with nobody (except my bro yg asik maen game ajer), i slept that evening for a few hours (seb baik tak terlepas zuhur)..and woke up with nobody at the hall(coz everybody is sleeping at that time). Seb baik mak balik cepat from kenduri, so i could spent time with her for a few minutes before ayah woke up and take away mak from sad..sob sob sob :(( . As usual, diorang pon nak dating jugak kan???)
My dear called me again in the middle of the nite and we had a few stories to share each other( sorry aaa..takleh bitau korang..rahsiaaa) :P. And i can't hardly wait for tomorrow to see him at KL.
I went back to KL on Sunday eve . While waiting for the bus, i met 2 old frens ( geng SMKDMT dulu...Thava and Lee Wei)..a lot of stories to share..until the bus came and took me away from them.
Highway jammmeddd!!!busan sungguh dalam bas. I tried to sleep, but just for a while. Tried to read a mag, but can't focus. Dunno why. The bus was so slowed.Busan..busan.
Reach KL almost at 6.30pm..and as usual teringat nak naik bas lagi satu ke Cyber. Seb baik my dearest called by the time i reached Pudu. Kalau tak mesti dia tertunggu2 sorang2.Sian dear.
I felt so nervous by the time i saw him. Goshhh!!Dunno wat to do. The first sentence came out from my mouth " Awak sihat???" Gosh againn..of course he did! i asked him already that morning. aiyakkkk!!!!felt sumthing bang on my head at that time..
Rasa cam pelik plak ade org jemput balik dr rumah. Mmg tak pernah org jemput aku kat KL, and this is my first experience, rasa cam pelik sangat2 laa plak. But somehow, felt so appreciated and to be loved by him (heheheh...). I hope next time, i still know how to take a bus from Pudu to Cyber , ye dear??
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